Welcome in eNego negotiation support system

eNego is a bilateral electronic multi-issue negotiation support system. It was designed and built within a scientific research project supported by the Polish National Science Center (2015/17/B/HS4/00941) and lead by prof. Tomasz Wachowicz from the University of Economics in Katowice. eNego allows to define any bilateral negotiation problem in the form of decomposed negotiation template and offers full negotiation support in the pre-negotiation and actual negotiation phases. In pre-negotiation, the elicitation of negotiator's preferences is conducted, which allows building the negotiation offer scoring system used later to support negotiator's decision making. A few alternative methods for preference elicitation are implemented, including a less cognitively demanding approach based on holistic evaluations. eNego offers an asynchronous communication module, which allows using the system in supporting the negotiators from different time zones.
If you are interested in negotiation training or simulation using eNego, please contact the project leader at tomasz.wachowicz (at) ue.katowice.pl
It is strongly recommended to use the newest versions of available web browsers while working with this system.